Payment Methods

The following official payment methods are the only ones we have, and the company is not responsible for any transfers made to any methods other than the ones mentioned below.

Data LLC. for Information Technologies | شركة داتا لتقنية المعلومات
Data LLC. for Information Technologies | شركة داتا لتقنية المعلومات

Pay with InstaPay

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In InstaPay App
Choose Payment Address
Then type:
mohamedsaied-ahly @instapay

Data LLC. for Information Technologies | شركة داتا لتقنية المعلومات

Pay with CreditCards

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You Can Pay with your
Visa Card / Debit or Credit Card
Via Kashier Payment Getway directly through our website

Data LLC. for Information Technologies | شركة داتا لتقنية المعلومات

Pay by Bank Transfer/Deposit

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Account Name:
داتا ايجيبت لتقنية المعلومات

Account Number:

Account Branch:
البنك الاهلي المصري فرع عمارات العبور

The Bank Account Accepted all transactions from all countries

    سلة المشتريات
    سلة المشتريات فارغةالعودة للرئيسية